Monday, 17 October 2011

Blur - ' Coffee and TV'

Genre Characteristics;
The Blurs song ' Song copying' is in the feilds of brit pop, meaning that this is video already has that stamp of being weird and having an unusual theme/setting.
After listening to this you see how, the song is some what mellow and flows lightly in the sense that it isnt has hard hitting with its bass, sounds and flow.
Another thing is that as normal it has a strange imagery to suit the scernio, even though the story line is quite basic the way it is/has been shown is definatly different. 
Another thing is that it moves forward towards a scepic time.

Relationship between lyrics and visuals;
Through out the video you get images or shots that directly illustrate what the lyrics say, for example when it says "Take me away" - the little milk carton gets on the bike a rides away somewhere with the the intention of being somewhere different or to become free.
Another thing it says was "Start again" - and at this point he goes home/ the boy that was missing returns home after being away for so long.
The song also talks about going into the country and when you look around the setting has now become a country and fields.

Relationship between music and visuals;
At points of the video when the surronding get darker, you see a bit with an air guitar and creepy teeth empathsises adding to the dark affect it is trying to gain.
Another point is when the female milk carton gets run over, you hear church like organs, implying the milk went to heaven.

Demands from the record label;
At the end you get a shot panning the band, showing the audience who they are and how they look like.

Reference to notion of looking/vogeuristic;
In this video, in the audience are involved in the things which are viewed in the sense that we see through the window to see the band, we see through the wndow to the girl, we see hes face on the milk carton. Then we also have a bit inwhcih the parents are looking out the window as if they are looking directly at the audience.

Intertextual reference;
In this video you see many, reference to other media platforms, for example you have the milk carton showing hes face on. When i see this video it reminds me of ghost busters; towards the end where you see a green looking monster. Other intertexual references are the fact that it is set tv like as in copying the tv, it is telling a story itself, it is American and American based. 

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